Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Merry Christmas from us, Tim and Christa!

We find ourselves in a state of celebration and shock all at the same time! As we mentioned in our previous post, Tim had his routine PET scan and we were waiting on the results.


He is 100% Cancer Free!!!!! There are NO active cells in his body, nothing abnormal, he is completley and totally healed. The doctors note said; "Patient has responded successfully to treatment."

100% Cancer free means 100% of the glory goes to God. We were always confident this day would arrive, we just didn't know when. To have this news is the best Christmas gift anyone could ask for.

We will keep you posted with the adventures that come along in our lives...next stop, big huge party!!


Tim and Christa

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December Already?

Hey Everybody!

We haven't updated you in a long time, so last night we decided we should!

Tim has been out of the hospital since the middle of July, with no returns to it! We have celebrated our six month wedding anniversary, and things are going really well. Tim continues to have his monthly check ups, which is amazing because most patients are from the summer are still visiting once a week! He has faced his fair share of colds, which was expected, and was told he had H1N1 in August...which his immune system beat without any medications as the doctors caught it while the virus was in its final stages. Wow huh? A guy with a brand new baby immune system beats the swine! God is on our side for sure. He is getting healthier and stronger each day, his weight is returning to normal and those muscles are coming back.

His PET scan results have been great thus far, with another report on the way. We will visit the hospital in a few weeks to get more good news! :) This entire process is 100% easier when we both know that healing belongs to Tim by the grace of God!

Tim is heavily involved in youth at our church, he is so excited to see so many youth coming out to events. His passion is youth ministry, so he is thriving in it!

We are getting ready for Christmas! Our tree is up, full of decorations and the outside lights are beautiful thanks to Tim. I spent an hour wrapping all of his gifts, he is like a little kid, he will go hunting if they are not safely under the tree. We are spending Christmas in Airdrie this year with friends and family, and taking a much needed break from school, work etc!

Christa has been signed to John Robert Powers, an acting academy with locations all over the world. She had one audition and was asked to join! She will embark on 5 months of practical training and professional auditions. What an opportunity!

We will continue to keep you all updated! Thank you for being so faithful to our story, and supporting us in ways we can't even properly say thank you for.

-Tim & Christa!
(this is us in Saskatchewan on the way to Winnipeg, our road trip in October this year. This is one of the places we stopped for ice cream during Tim's ride for childhood cancer across Canada in 2007, we had to relive the moment!)