Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Most Influential Person of 2010
Hey Everybody,
Here is a link to Airdrie's local paper, the echo, with a story on the incredible Tim Harriman.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Timothy Harriman

Timothy Harriman, a beautiful soul, a compassionate man and a world changer. At the end of life on earth not many will leave a legacy as big or as great as Tim’s. Tim left earth and entered the gates of Heaven on the beautiful morning of September 28th at the age of twenty two. The leaves were spinning, the sky was clear and blue, the air was warm and peace filled the hearts and lives of those blessed enough to call him their own. He will be always cherished as an amazing son, brother, cousin, nephew, friend and husband. You may remember Tim as the Spokeman who biked across Canada in two thousand and seven for Childhood Cancer, raising incredible amounts of support. His heart was so big. Not only will his family ache for him, but so will those inspired by his ride, in Airdrie and all over the world. Tim fought a valiant fight against cancer once as a young teenager, and three more times in his early twenties. In spite of the circumstances surrounding him, he choose to live life to the full, enjoy each moment, marry the girl of his dreams, travel, cook, write a book, spend time with friends and mentor youth. He dreamed of building his dream home, owning a motorcycle, having children and continuing to impact everyone he met. Now, he is face to face with his Maker, family members and friends, happier now than ever before. Tim enjoyed family barbeques, camping at Mount Kidd, hiking, photography, creating, building, singing loud in the shower, late night talks, funny movies, riding his bike, rollerblading and going for walks with his wife. Tim always had a witty comeback for everything, a daredevil comment, and confidence standing up for what was right and just. Tim attended George Mac High School and graduated from Bert Church High School. His teachers, principals and the staff at both schools were so touched and impacted by his presence, his determination and will to do school work and graduate during such an intense time in his life. He never quit. Never ever. Instead he inspired everyone. He dug his heels in and stood firm. There are no words that could possibly sum up such an incredible person, you are one of a kind, there will never be another like you Tim. I’m so happy you are home with our Maker, your best friend Jesus. I can’t wait to run and jump into your arms my love! In the mean time, run with the lions, soar with the eagles, sing, dance, sprint, and I will see you soon. I love you.
"In honor of Tim Harriman, a fund has been set up care of Deborah Boccabella in trust for Christa Harriman at any TD Canada Trust location."
Celebration of Life, George Mac High School, Monday Oct 4th at 1:30pm, Airdrie.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sept 13, 2010
Hey crew!
Here is a video from the Tim's Amazing Adventure Race that Innovative Fitness put on. For those of you who havent seen it or was at the event Saturday night and saw the tech problems we were having its now up for you to peak at. Pass it along.
We will be in touch shortly to blog about some updates, our trip to Victoria, BC and what is the latest scoop in our lives!
Here is a video from the Tim's Amazing Adventure Race that Innovative Fitness put on. For those of you who havent seen it or was at the event Saturday night and saw the tech problems we were having its now up for you to peak at. Pass it along.
We will be in touch shortly to blog about some updates, our trip to Victoria, BC and what is the latest scoop in our lives!
Untitled from Christa Harriman on Vimeo.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tim's Amazing Adventure Race
Tim's Amazing Adventure Race:
On September 11 team's of two will take part in a fundraising event that is sure be the most exciting and unexpected urban race Calgary has yet to see.
Register today at Innovative Health Group 403.244.7405
A $50 registration fee will be donated directly to Tim Harriman and is in support of his ongoing battle with cancer.

Race start 12:00pm (111-1111, 11Ave SW)
Teams of two will begin their adventure at Innovative Health Group with only a clue sheet in tow! Teams must then navigate and travel by foot to a minimum of 12 locations throughout the downtown and beltline communities. At each station teams will be put to the test as they attempt to complete an array of tasks from yoga to face painting.
Race end 4:00pm (111-1111,11Ave SW)
Teams must cross the finish line at Innovative Health Group by 4:00pm, complete with their race bib and 12 station markers. Snacks and drinks will be served with an award ceremony to follow!
Saltlik Celebration 7:30pm (101 8 Ave SW)
Join us for the after party at Saltlike! A celebration of achievement, community and contribution will commence with a slide show of the day's event and a presentation of Tim Harriman's remarkable journey.
Evening Close 11:00pm
Monday, August 23, 2010
And so the journey continues
Friends and family,
I hope that this summer has brought you some good memories filled with travels, enjoyable weather, and time to soak in all that life has to offer. Since our last update our time has been filled with the continue inconvienience of travelling to hospital weekly for check-ups and doing the same old same old. However, we have had time to relax and spend it with friends and family over good eats and laughter.
For a major part of the summer Christa spent her time planning our wedding which we were finally able to have - this time Christa in her dress, me in my suit and special friends and family present. We could not have asked for better weather and a better day. It feels great to finally feel official (even though we were before), but this time to have the memory of a real wedding.
Our journey together has brought it's fair share of ups and downs as wehave travelled this road and battled this disease - but every moment has been an incredible brush stroke to an incredible painting. As some of you may or may not have heard our battle has once again taken a turn no one ever thought would happen. One week I was at hospital and all was going well and things were on the mend, the very next week (last week) things showed a completely different story.
Results from blood came back showing that once again the cancer has returned bringing me to diagnosis number four. Over the past several days as we have digested this news we have realized doctors have done all they can do. I have received some of the strongest chemo and medications known, plus two which was a bone marrow transplant. Though doctors are unsure of a timeline all they can do at this point is provide medications dealing with the symptoms.
With the crappy news behind I do believe there is hope. Just because we have received such news does not mean we have given up. We know that we believe in something stronger and more powerful than any man or medicine can offer. We are deciding to continue walking this journey out seeking out other options as they come along considering anything which may help with my recovery.
Though I struggled for a few days if I should share the news publicly or not - I decided why not? You have been with us this far why not keep on going. Especially since we believe so much in fighting this disease with an army, not just the two of us.
We will continue to update as often as we can but know that we thank you all for your support, love, encouragement and prayers.
I hope that this summer has brought you some good memories filled with travels, enjoyable weather, and time to soak in all that life has to offer. Since our last update our time has been filled with the continue inconvienience of travelling to hospital weekly for check-ups and doing the same old same old. However, we have had time to relax and spend it with friends and family over good eats and laughter.
For a major part of the summer Christa spent her time planning our wedding which we were finally able to have - this time Christa in her dress, me in my suit and special friends and family present. We could not have asked for better weather and a better day. It feels great to finally feel official (even though we were before), but this time to have the memory of a real wedding.
Our journey together has brought it's fair share of ups and downs as wehave travelled this road and battled this disease - but every moment has been an incredible brush stroke to an incredible painting. As some of you may or may not have heard our battle has once again taken a turn no one ever thought would happen. One week I was at hospital and all was going well and things were on the mend, the very next week (last week) things showed a completely different story.
Results from blood came back showing that once again the cancer has returned bringing me to diagnosis number four. Over the past several days as we have digested this news we have realized doctors have done all they can do. I have received some of the strongest chemo and medications known, plus two which was a bone marrow transplant. Though doctors are unsure of a timeline all they can do at this point is provide medications dealing with the symptoms.
With the crappy news behind I do believe there is hope. Just because we have received such news does not mean we have given up. We know that we believe in something stronger and more powerful than any man or medicine can offer. We are deciding to continue walking this journey out seeking out other options as they come along considering anything which may help with my recovery.
Though I struggled for a few days if I should share the news publicly or not - I decided why not? You have been with us this far why not keep on going. Especially since we believe so much in fighting this disease with an army, not just the two of us.
We will continue to update as often as we can but know that we thank you all for your support, love, encouragement and prayers.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Never Going Back
The other day..I was having a moment with God and He ever so quietly whispered in my ear "You and Tim, are NEVER going back."
Realizing how powerful that little message was really made me thank God for what He has pulled us through. We are never going back...just pressing forward...with victory!
What can we tell you other than WE LOVE SUMMER! Tim would love to be camping right now, enjoying the tent, campfire and warm weather, but he isn't allowed to camp until next year. SO..we've been enjoying lots of time outside with our new friend Bruno, taking in hikes, planning our little wedding reception and I've been very busy with photography. Summer is always a blast. Tim has been faithfully working on his book. I am SO proud to see him write. This book has been on his "t0-do" list for a long time, we know thousands will be impacted by his story. He has a great team helping him along and the finished product will blow your socks off.
Guess what? Tim had a bone marrow aspirate done about two weeks ago and here are the results:
100% of the cells being produced (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin, etc) are donor cells, Andrews cells...which means the transplant was a 100% success! Tim is a brand new man! Currently his counts are recovering...and Andrew's blood type which is B negative is taking over the house! When they did the aspirate and pulled out the piece of bone, it was as long as a bobby pin...which is jaw dropping...! The doctor was even blown away! I thought about it later and realized that Tim's marrow in the past had been tiny, barely there..and now it was huge and healthy the marrow must be strong and healthy. We were so glad to get the results that the marrow WAS strong and healthy, all thanks to Andrew!
Tim visits the clinic every two weeks, with blood taken every week. He can get it checked in Airdrie which is a huge blessing for him. He is feeling good, and you can tell his body is recovering well.
Today we went up to unit 57 to say hello, and it was so bitter sweet to be there. His doctors were SO excited to see him and see how well he is doing. That was cool.
Enjoy the photos! We will update soon!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Phew...what a beautiful summer we are having so far! Of course, we've experienced the nice long days of rain...and a little bit of snow, but for the most part, the sun has been shining, as it is right now. It is bursting into our office window, and as I write I am reminded of the wonderful things the sunshine does for Tim and I. It is a glorious thing to be outside on days like this, on warm summer days, soaking up the moments we've missed and knowing we will enjoy these summer days for years and years and YEARS to come!
What is new since our last post? LOTS!
Tim is currently being seen once a week, which will soon be moved to once every two weeks. His blood work is fantastic, and his counts are in normal range. It's cool to see that on paper, because they have been so low for so long. Again, we've said it before, the doctors and nurses are SO impressed with his progress, attitude, appetite, and how well he is taking care of himself.
Going to the hospital isn't as intense as it has been. The clinic is such a positive and relaxing environment, and the nurses flirt with Tim like CRAZY! I love it!
Tim and I celebrated our one year anniversary on May 25th, we've taken day trips to Canmore and Drumheller, went to the Relay for Life and are currently planning our little "wedding" celebration in August. I'll finally get to wear my wedding dress! Life is incredible. Always has been.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Day 14
I just pulled up our blog and realized that the last post was from Day 6-Post Transplant and today we are Day 14!
Tim continues to do fantastic...
A few days ago, while getting a blood transfusion, he spiked a little bit of a fever and had to be admitted and put on precautionary antibiotics. Turns out, the fever was a response to Andrews cells making their home in Tim's marrow. How cool huh? After a couple days in over night, he was able to get out on passes..and is currently being seen daily. His amazing Dr. Ping is SO impressed with his response to the transplant. Tim had some mouth sores and a pretty sore throat, in order to eat he needed some morphine, but even still, the nurses were saying "What do you do for your mouth? In the midst of the still looks better than I've ever seen!" His doc also says that she can't even compare Tim to the other God!
Now we're enjoying this weather...and have started to unpack our suitcases. Tim will be moved to the outpatient clinic in a few days. A few months ago we thought this journey would never end, and now we are finishing...Tim is finishing with health and strength! His counts are increasing...yahhh!
We'll update you soon!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Day 6
Today is Day 6! I know! We can't believe it either!
Tim continues to do FANTASTIC! We know this is ALL because of our powerful God, Tim's incredible attitude and prayer. It is so cool to see him feeling great. He is happy, laughing lots, eating like a horse, gaining weight, and has had NO mouth pain or sores. We are living in a miracle!
The staff are in awe! We have been able to be home each day and night, attending morning checkups every day. Tim consistently walks out of them with flying colors.
I really think Andrew's cells are perfect for Tim's body. We can tell they are working in there...Tim's skin has changed to a mild tan, doc's say this is a good sign!
If you are a prayer..please agree with us for the following things;
-Continued miracles and incredible progress for Tim
-No mouth sores or pain
-No infection or fevers
-That each day he would continue to be let out on passes
-That Tim's incredible story would be a witness to MANY on this unit of our God's power in lives!
Tim continues to do FANTASTIC! We know this is ALL because of our powerful God, Tim's incredible attitude and prayer. It is so cool to see him feeling great. He is happy, laughing lots, eating like a horse, gaining weight, and has had NO mouth pain or sores. We are living in a miracle!
The staff are in awe! We have been able to be home each day and night, attending morning checkups every day. Tim consistently walks out of them with flying colors.
I really think Andrew's cells are perfect for Tim's body. We can tell they are working in there...Tim's skin has changed to a mild tan, doc's say this is a good sign!
If you are a prayer..please agree with us for the following things;
-Continued miracles and incredible progress for Tim
-No mouth sores or pain
-No infection or fevers
-That each day he would continue to be let out on passes
-That Tim's incredible story would be a witness to MANY on this unit of our God's power in lives!
Friday, May 7, 2010
May 7th--Day 2
Hey Guys!
So, I don't have time to give you a huge long blog..but a quick update should do for now! Leading up to transplant was an exciting time..we had been waiting for this special day for a long time. Knowing it was just around the corner was amazing! Tim had been waiting for it too. This journey has been a long one, and for him, May 5th was not only a gift from his brother, but a new chance to FINALLY live life cancer free!
The day arrived! May 5th! Andrew (Tim's brother and donor) was at the hospital at 7:15am. Accompanied by his wife, they began a day of blood work, line insertion and finally the stem cell collection. He started at 10:00am and was done by 4:00pm! I went down to check up on them a couple times, and although Andrew was a little stiff, he had a big smile on his face the entire time. His wife Michelle sat beside him the entire day, totally supportive and proud. I could see it on her face!
The collection was prepared and brought up to Tim at 6:00pm. It was so neat to see them bring that bag into the room. Tim and I just looked at eachother in awe. What Andrew had given Tim! SO cool!
The infusion began...
Although Tim had a slight reaction to the unmatched red blood cells from Andrew, it was soon over as they slowed the infusion. The nurse mentioned that the patients that get sick during the stem cell infusion end up doing really well overall. The sickness didn't last and shortly after the transplant, Tim was eating a big piece of cake. :)
Then, just like that, the day we'd been waiting for was over! Andrew had just given Tim LIFE.
So tonight, Tim and I are at home relaxing..
"Wait" you say... "Did I hear that right?"
Yes, you did in fact. Tim was able to go home the next day. Since, we've gone in each day for checkups and the doctor mentioned to us the other day "I don't really understand how you are doing so well...?" We know why, and we know that from this point forward, life is going to be good, all the time!
So! I'm going to go and hang out with my amazing hubby who inspires me every single day.
So, I don't have time to give you a huge long blog..but a quick update should do for now! Leading up to transplant was an exciting time..we had been waiting for this special day for a long time. Knowing it was just around the corner was amazing! Tim had been waiting for it too. This journey has been a long one, and for him, May 5th was not only a gift from his brother, but a new chance to FINALLY live life cancer free!
The day arrived! May 5th! Andrew (Tim's brother and donor) was at the hospital at 7:15am. Accompanied by his wife, they began a day of blood work, line insertion and finally the stem cell collection. He started at 10:00am and was done by 4:00pm! I went down to check up on them a couple times, and although Andrew was a little stiff, he had a big smile on his face the entire time. His wife Michelle sat beside him the entire day, totally supportive and proud. I could see it on her face!
The collection was prepared and brought up to Tim at 6:00pm. It was so neat to see them bring that bag into the room. Tim and I just looked at eachother in awe. What Andrew had given Tim! SO cool!
The infusion began...
Although Tim had a slight reaction to the unmatched red blood cells from Andrew, it was soon over as they slowed the infusion. The nurse mentioned that the patients that get sick during the stem cell infusion end up doing really well overall. The sickness didn't last and shortly after the transplant, Tim was eating a big piece of cake. :)
Then, just like that, the day we'd been waiting for was over! Andrew had just given Tim LIFE.
So tonight, Tim and I are at home relaxing..
"Wait" you say... "Did I hear that right?"
Yes, you did in fact. Tim was able to go home the next day. Since, we've gone in each day for checkups and the doctor mentioned to us the other day "I don't really understand how you are doing so well...?" We know why, and we know that from this point forward, life is going to be good, all the time!
So! I'm going to go and hang out with my amazing hubby who inspires me every single day.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
What We've Been Waiting For...
Hey everybody, we know it has been awhile since we last wrote, blogging hasn't really been on our mind as we have been enjoying our time together at home. What an awesome and refreshing break! We've done everything from bike rides and picnics to quality time together as a couple and with friends too. On top of that, we've just been overwhelmed with the way God has been preparing us for the end of our journey, the end of Cancer and the end of this season. We are so excited and confident. God is a faithful and incredible God, who will see us through this, there will be a party through the next few weeks and after them too!
So what is next? Well, Tim will receive a few days of "bone marrow killer" chemo (as we like to call it...) next week. Side effects for most patients are none, but Tim isn't most patients... ;) The pharmacist told him that if he hasn't had any side effects with the other chemos, he definitely won't with these ones either! So cool!! The chemo they give will essentially get rid of all of Tim's own bone marrow to make room for the new guys coming in--Andrew's cells!
Tim will have two days off, and then be admitted on May 5th for the transplant, what we've been waiting for! Andrew will arrive in the morning and have his cells collected from a big vein in his neck. As soon as they are ready--the staff bring the cells, or bone marrow, upstairs to Tim, and infuses them! THEN...its recovery time for his body! Most patients stay in for about two weeks, some less, and the doctors watch Tim's blood really closely. Those new cells will find their home inside of Tim's marrow and begin producing exactly what his body needs--and fighting off all the bad at the same time. It sounds pretty simple here, and it is...alot is included in the process, but it is an incredible and amazing gift from God that this life saving treatment is here for patients like Tim!
Tim is doing fantastic! He has gained lots of weight, he is strong, healthy and totally prepared for this transplant! This time off has been SO great! We're SUPER excited for what is yet to come!!
Keep following!!!
So what is next? Well, Tim will receive a few days of "bone marrow killer" chemo (as we like to call it...) next week. Side effects for most patients are none, but Tim isn't most patients... ;) The pharmacist told him that if he hasn't had any side effects with the other chemos, he definitely won't with these ones either! So cool!! The chemo they give will essentially get rid of all of Tim's own bone marrow to make room for the new guys coming in--Andrew's cells!
Tim will have two days off, and then be admitted on May 5th for the transplant, what we've been waiting for! Andrew will arrive in the morning and have his cells collected from a big vein in his neck. As soon as they are ready--the staff bring the cells, or bone marrow, upstairs to Tim, and infuses them! THEN...its recovery time for his body! Most patients stay in for about two weeks, some less, and the doctors watch Tim's blood really closely. Those new cells will find their home inside of Tim's marrow and begin producing exactly what his body needs--and fighting off all the bad at the same time. It sounds pretty simple here, and it is...alot is included in the process, but it is an incredible and amazing gift from God that this life saving treatment is here for patients like Tim!
Tim is doing fantastic! He has gained lots of weight, he is strong, healthy and totally prepared for this transplant! This time off has been SO great! We're SUPER excited for what is yet to come!!
Keep following!!!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Home to sleep...!
Tim and I are h-o-m-e! Chemo went great. Tim had six doses of chemo, some of the same ones he had when he was a teen. He hasn't been sick once, and he is past the point of being sick...he is gaining weight, and getting stronger each day. The only "side effect" he had was feeling a little bit weak.
After three days of chemo, we were so looking forward to getting out of the hospital and spending time at home. Out of nowhere, Tim experienced another high fever. At first the doc assumed it was an effect from the meds, but the fever returned two more times. Antibiotics began, and blood cultures discovered a bacteria in Tims blood. They called it "persistent bacteria" as it just wouldn't go away. The lab came each day, over the weekend, etc and the cultures always came back positive. Tim was eventually told he had a form of pneumonia, but it was not in his lungs, only his central lines. He had no signs or symptoms of pneumonia! So cool! That is when they decided to remove Tims central line. The lab returned again that evening, and I recall the tech saying "It takes a really long time to get rid of bacteria in the blood...." and that is when Tim and I started praying, and got all of our friends and church family on board.
Two days later, Tim was feeling so much better, the weakness disappeared and a miracle occurred...the cultures came back 100% negative! We know without a doubt, that getting a huge team of people to pray assisted in that amazing result. NOW, unexpectedly, we are home, the doctors switched Tim to a 24hour antibiotic, and it is so nice to chill on our couch, eat our own food and be in L-O-V-E!
"What else can I tell them Tim? ...."
"Whatever you want...!"
"Okay then! Peace out!"
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Tim and I are sitting together watching "19 Kids and Counting," at the hospital. Tim has been here since Tuesday morning. They started the remainder of round 2 chemo, and he is doing great. He's had two types of chemo, and has his last dose this evening around midnight. After that, he is a free man until the end of April when they begin chemo again and he has his transplant.
So on the show, they've just had their 19th child, and moved the entire family closer to the hospital where their baby is getting well. They have to be in the hospital for three months. They can't hold their baby yet, and have had to move 18 kids to a new home. What an adjustment! Tim and I can relate, but are so thankful for the situation we are in. There are only a few more weeks left until we can return to our home for good....that in itself is a blessing. It's so easy to get bummed, but then we realize that this is so temporary compared to the years we have ahead of us. God is such a faithful God.
What is new...hmmm...
Tim has a brand new blackberry bought for him by a group of friends from Springs Church. He was having huge problems with his other phone, so our friends took it upon themselves to bring a little bit of joy to Tim. They did...he's so glad to have a reliable working phone!
My amazing mom surprised Tim and I with some new books and CD's, which have been such a blessing. It's amazing what a little bit of good music can do for the soul, and the books...we love em! It helps pass the time in the hospital.
Tims brother Andrew is getting ready for his donation day on May 5th, and going to appointments throughout April to prepare him for it. Andrew and his wife are moving to Calgary really close to the hospital! It will be so nice to have them so close. I cannot wait for the day when we get to see Andrews cells going into Tim to give him another chance at life, a long long life. How cool. What an amazing thing! What an amazing process!
Tim and I have been chatting alot about moving away! Right now its only a dream, but we, as well as the hospital staff encourage us to start fresh when this process is done. We have our ideas about what that means, and we are so excited!
(Tim is watching Elmo's World...o goodness!)
All in all, we are both doing fantastic. Tim is overcoming every hurdle infront of him and we are jumping high over the hurdles that stand infront of us as a couple. So many people see hurdles as road blocks...things they panic over and can't face, but we see them as an athlete does..something to conquer! I remember in high school jumping over hurdles, and how much fun it was so look back at the end of the course and feel that amazing accomplishment. THAT is what we've chosen to do, and nothing will get it our way...bring on the hurdles...we will blow over em! :)
So on the show, they've just had their 19th child, and moved the entire family closer to the hospital where their baby is getting well. They have to be in the hospital for three months. They can't hold their baby yet, and have had to move 18 kids to a new home. What an adjustment! Tim and I can relate, but are so thankful for the situation we are in. There are only a few more weeks left until we can return to our home for good....that in itself is a blessing. It's so easy to get bummed, but then we realize that this is so temporary compared to the years we have ahead of us. God is such a faithful God.
What is new...hmmm...
Tim has a brand new blackberry bought for him by a group of friends from Springs Church. He was having huge problems with his other phone, so our friends took it upon themselves to bring a little bit of joy to Tim. They did...he's so glad to have a reliable working phone!
My amazing mom surprised Tim and I with some new books and CD's, which have been such a blessing. It's amazing what a little bit of good music can do for the soul, and the books...we love em! It helps pass the time in the hospital.
Tims brother Andrew is getting ready for his donation day on May 5th, and going to appointments throughout April to prepare him for it. Andrew and his wife are moving to Calgary really close to the hospital! It will be so nice to have them so close. I cannot wait for the day when we get to see Andrews cells going into Tim to give him another chance at life, a long long life. How cool. What an amazing thing! What an amazing process!
Tim and I have been chatting alot about moving away! Right now its only a dream, but we, as well as the hospital staff encourage us to start fresh when this process is done. We have our ideas about what that means, and we are so excited!
(Tim is watching Elmo's World...o goodness!)
All in all, we are both doing fantastic. Tim is overcoming every hurdle infront of him and we are jumping high over the hurdles that stand infront of us as a couple. So many people see hurdles as road blocks...things they panic over and can't face, but we see them as an athlete does..something to conquer! I remember in high school jumping over hurdles, and how much fun it was so look back at the end of the course and feel that amazing accomplishment. THAT is what we've chosen to do, and nothing will get it our way...bring on the hurdles...we will blow over em! :)
Friday, March 26, 2010
Point Form Update...
-Tim is doing really well...! (As usual!)
-He and I both had food poisoning. I got over it, his body couldn't handle it, so he was in the hospital from Tuesday night at 3am till this morning (Friday). He was only sick Tuesday night, they just wanted to watch him till today.
-His counts dropped with being ill, but are slowly coming up. We'll need lots of prayer to have them up by Monday.
-Chemo starts again next week. He has one day of chemo, three days of stuff to get it outta him, then home.
-April is full of tests and stuff leading up to his BMT.
-Life is good!
-He and I both had food poisoning. I got over it, his body couldn't handle it, so he was in the hospital from Tuesday night at 3am till this morning (Friday). He was only sick Tuesday night, they just wanted to watch him till today.
-His counts dropped with being ill, but are slowly coming up. We'll need lots of prayer to have them up by Monday.
-Chemo starts again next week. He has one day of chemo, three days of stuff to get it outta him, then home.
-April is full of tests and stuff leading up to his BMT.
-Life is good!
-Tim is in remission! His bone marrow aspirate came back clear :) No more cancer!
There is a quick update! We will write more soon!
There is a quick update! We will write more soon!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
It has been a crazy week! Tim and I have been chatting about how quickly everything comes and goes. We are thankful for that, it makes the entire journey easier when the days don't drag out. Tim was feeling fantastic, and early last week woke up feeling "strange." His temperature kept jumping around, and eventually reached 39. We jumped in the car and arrived at the hospital. The blood work came back showing Tim was neutropenic, which is having almost no white blood cells and no neutrophils, the infection fighting cells. That is a common and expected result of the Chemotherapy, so they started an antibiotic right away.
I think it was that night, or the next night that he started getting really cold while under about five blankets at the hospital. After I took his temp, which was 39.2, I grabbed the nurse. She was in the room only about 2 minutes later, and it had climbed to 41.5. His skin was hot to the touch but he was shaking like I've never seen anyone shake. The nurse grabbed Tylenol and was going to get Demerol to calm the jitters. When she left, I put my hand on his head and prayed that the shakes would they did. His body began to calm down. It was SO neat! She came back about a minute later and said "O, he stopped shaking?" Yes he did, because our God is just so cool! :) Later on, he emerged from his high fever which reached 42.8 and was stripping off the blankets and eating ice cream. The Tylenol did the trick! Here is a picture...
I think it was that night, or the next night that he started getting really cold while under about five blankets at the hospital. After I took his temp, which was 39.2, I grabbed the nurse. She was in the room only about 2 minutes later, and it had climbed to 41.5. His skin was hot to the touch but he was shaking like I've never seen anyone shake. The nurse grabbed Tylenol and was going to get Demerol to calm the jitters. When she left, I put my hand on his head and prayed that the shakes would they did. His body began to calm down. It was SO neat! She came back about a minute later and said "O, he stopped shaking?" Yes he did, because our God is just so cool! :) Later on, he emerged from his high fever which reached 42.8 and was stripping off the blankets and eating ice cream. The Tylenol did the trick! Here is a picture...
From there, each day was an adventure of its own. The important thing is--all of our prayers were answered and Tim is home. His fever left, his counts are coming up and he is feeling so much better every day. In spite of everything he went through last week, the doctors are still amazed at how well he is doing!
O...and did we tell you...BOTH of Tim's brothers, Andrew and Jerry are 100% matches! There are a few more tests to find out which one they will choose, but the transplant is in the works.
O...and did we tell you...BOTH of Tim's brothers, Andrew and Jerry are 100% matches! There are a few more tests to find out which one they will choose, but the transplant is in the works.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Team "What If"
Hey Guys... :)
A friend of ours recently invited Tim and I to attend her fundraiser for The Ride to Conquer Cancer. Tim was originally supposed to be the speaker at the event, but couldn't attend. The two riders, Kenzie and Kevin are riding over 200km to raise money for those battling all types of Cancers. In Tims place, I spoke about the journey he has been on and thanked the group who came to support the riders. . like I said in the speech, people really don't realize where there efforts are going. That weekend, they raised $5,400! Anything you can do, from giving blood to donating to the cause makes a big difference.
Kenzie and Kevin began with a goal to raise $10,000 before the start of their ride, they are $3,500 away from reaching that goal--and because they are doing this for people like Tim, I told them we would bring it to your attention in case any of you wanted to help. You can contact Kenzie at 403.478.5369 if you do!
Kenzie also decided to dedicate her two day ride totally and completely to Tim, and Kevin is riding in memory of his brother. Cancer effects everybody in some way, but its people like Kenzie and Kevin who make a true difference! Thank You!
-Tim & Christa
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Platelets going In!

Here is a video from the Tom Baker the other day of Tim getting some much needed platelets. There is still a great need! If you want to donate platelets call 1-888-2-DONATE and tell them you are interested in helping with the platelet shortage! Thank you!
Also, I grabbed that picture off of my friends facebook page. This is her donating her platelets in order to contribute to Tims battle. We love you Kailyn!
If you have any pictures, send them to us!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Low Counts Mean Transfusion!
Hey Everybody!
After watching the Bachelor last night, (what an ending huh?) Tim and I headed to the comfort of our bed only to be rudely awoken at 7:00am to embark on another journey into Calgary.
Okay, it wasn't THAT bad.
Tims counts have been slowly dropping, which is expected and wanted. That means the chemotherapy is doing its job, and the healing has begun! Today his platelets were only 7, and his hemoglobin had dropped to 70, both very low. His doc ordered more platelets (keep donating! We will need LOTS, along with the other patients on the unit too!) and whole blood. He had one bag of platelets and two bags of blood. I'll admit, my stomach turned quite a bit seeing someone else's blood being pumped into Tim. It looked like a big nose bleed dripping into the IV pump. Blah. My head is spinning even thinking about it, and I am not a squeamish person whatsoever. Tim very obnoxiously said "GROSS!" when they pulled out the bag. What a goof I've got! ;)
After a full day at the hospital, Tim was released again for a few more days off. He is feeling super, no side effects or symptoms. Keep those prayers coming...we know you guys are praying because his doctors are so pleased with how he is doing. One of his doctors the other day said to us "I just love seeing how well you are doing! It does me good to see patients who respond so well!"
It only gets "gooder and gooder" from Tim would say.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Today we are home. Enjoying every hour that passes. Home is such a place of comfort and relaxation for us. We'd rather be here than anywhere else.
Tim is currently humming some Miley Cyrus (oops, did I say that!??) and trying to fix his phone. Telus has really given him the run him a "new phone" that turned out to be a USED phone. Real good Telus...this is where our friend Jody steps in. Hahahahaha.
We went to the hospital Sunday morning for blood work, and then were sent home again. We will return tomorrow morning for more blood work and possibly some platelet and whole blood transfusions. Praying they send us home again after. As long as Tim stays fever free..he can be at home. Yahhh!
Tims new best friend has become food--he is eating like a horse and has gained quite a bit of weight in the past week. This is a good thing for him as he heads into transplant. His body will come out strong if he enters the transplant strong. Like last night, I came home from church and found that he had eaten wings, two plates of nachos and had been eating the entire night prior to ordering Boston Pizza! His belly is much bigger than a few days ago...he is starting to resemble Santa.
For those of you praying, keep it coming! Tim is doing PHENOMENAL considering what his body has been through. He is experiencing NO side effects from chemo. We celebrate this every day. Our God is bigger than that crap!
I just turned to Tim and asked if he had anything to say to you guys...he said ...
There you have it! Profound words from Tim Harriman himself! Hope that inspired you!
Tim is currently humming some Miley Cyrus (oops, did I say that!??) and trying to fix his phone. Telus has really given him the run him a "new phone" that turned out to be a USED phone. Real good Telus...this is where our friend Jody steps in. Hahahahaha.
We went to the hospital Sunday morning for blood work, and then were sent home again. We will return tomorrow morning for more blood work and possibly some platelet and whole blood transfusions. Praying they send us home again after. As long as Tim stays fever free..he can be at home. Yahhh!
Tims new best friend has become food--he is eating like a horse and has gained quite a bit of weight in the past week. This is a good thing for him as he heads into transplant. His body will come out strong if he enters the transplant strong. Like last night, I came home from church and found that he had eaten wings, two plates of nachos and had been eating the entire night prior to ordering Boston Pizza! His belly is much bigger than a few days ago...he is starting to resemble Santa.
For those of you praying, keep it coming! Tim is doing PHENOMENAL considering what his body has been through. He is experiencing NO side effects from chemo. We celebrate this every day. Our God is bigger than that crap!
I just turned to Tim and asked if he had anything to say to you guys...he said ...
There you have it! Profound words from Tim Harriman himself! Hope that inspired you!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Red Popsicle
I'm sitting here listening to what would have been our reception music, and eating a red Popsicle. The goodness of it wore off just now, so its sitting there melting on a post it note. I can't throw it in the garbage here, so I'll wait till I'm done writing.
I don't really know why I am here to write--or what to write about, sometimes you just need to let it out. Tim is resting. Some of the medications he is on mess with his sleeping schedule. He still sleeps through the night (which is an answer to prayer!) but finds himself sleeping most of the afternoon. Last year, I used to get restless with him sleeping so much, but now, when I see him sleeping there, peace just warms me. The rest is what will help heal his body.
There is this song that I had planned to sing to Tim at our wedding. There is a line in the song I used to get butterflies over...this song used to be played all the time in my bedroom long before I dated Tim. The line says "Let me know you would fight thousands for my love." O, I used to sit there and wonder if the man I was to marry would fight for me, would fight for my love, would never let anything else get in the way. Every woman desires to be fought for...I sure did. Now that line means something totally different to me. The roles have changed. Now, Tim is fighting for his life, and we am fighting off the thousands of things that may try to get in his way. I have this picture of him and I hand in hand just blitzing this stupid cancer, and when he needs to rest, I will always continue to help him, stand beside him and let him know that I love him without measure. It's funny though, he is so selfless even when he shouldn't be. Tim puts on his armor everyday and fights. I have no doubt that he will be successful, he will never quit. This is a FIGHT. But we are fighting the GOOD fight here.
People don't realize what this is like, unless they are going through it directly. If you've had or have a close family member, mom, dad, sister, husband, brother facing Cancer, you know what its like to have a pit in your stomach most of the day. If you are fighting Cancer--you know that it takes every ounce of strength to keep going every day. You know that its impossible to make it without a higher power, without positive everything all around, without love. Caregiver or Fighter, this process is set apart from anything else in the world. Nothing could compare. In this battle, I hope you realize and discover what a great and powerful God we have. Even if you don't think He cares..and He has let you down, He hasn't. O trust me, He has not, and will not. Fighter or Caregiver, you are NOT alone.
We're home for tonight and tomorrow night, and have to return Sunday morning. Tim will probably need a blood transfusion which is totally normal as his counts start to fall. The cancer is disappearing. Then he has from Sunday till the following Friday off. He has another dose of chemo next Friday, but until then, we're praying he can stay home. He needs home. Especially since this came on so suddenly. Its funny how you take for granted that you'll fall asleep beside your husband each night, and when you don't get aches. At least we have tonight and tomorrow. Its about treasuring the little things right? Treasure who you have beside you at night. Tell them you treasure them.
ENJOY your day. :)
For those of you who are some specific things to lift up to our God whose promise is YES and AMEN:
-That these blast cells would continue to disappear and STAY away.
-A clear bone marrow aspirate in a few weeks. They will recheck to make sure the marrow isn't producing more cancer cells, and WE know it won't be!
-Freedom from side effects (the bible says that even though people are affected left and right, it won't touch you!) We come against any negative side effects from these drugs and chemos!
-Peace and supernatural strength
-That Tim would be able to rest at home ALOT this journey.
-NO mucositis.
-That we together would impact the unit we are on, and the people there. Alot of the people on the unit are pretty hopeless. Even if we don't speak, we want people to see a contagious strength through Tim and I.
-That Jerry or Andrew would be a PERFECT 10 out of 10 match for Tim. That God would begin to purify their cells for the transplant...and Tims too. We're praising God for the victory ALREADY!
Thanks everybody! We will update you!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Off to War
We have some incredible people serving our nation. They selflessly leave family and friends and fight for the freedom of their country. They stick on that uniform and go into warrior mode.
Tim and I are going to war...but its a war against Leukemia this time.
Sometimes we can't believe its back, sometimes we shake our heads and wonder.
This is Tims third time with Cancer, and frankly its brutal. BUT, we will never ever falter, never quit, never live in the pits, we WILL rise above yet again.
Here is the plan: Tim has begun two rounds of chemotherapy. The first week is almost done. After that he has a few days off, then another round of chemo. These first few weeks of chemo are to put him into remission. So far he has gone from 20 blast cells to 2.2 blast cells, so its working! We are under the understanding that he will then have recovery time allowing his counts to return to normal and then face more intense chemo to completely knock out his bone marrow to make room for the donor bone marrow transplant. Both of his brothers were a match in 2002, so they are retesting them. It looks like one of them will be donating their bone marrow to save Tims life.
After the transplant, it takes 7-10 days to see the counts start to come up. THEN, its all uphill from there. We are believing for the same things as last time. Minimal side effects, (Tim didn't have ANY of the side effects they said he would) and no infection. We trust that this transplant will be curative and even though its another tough road, there is a big bright light at the end of the tunnel.
We can't wait to have a life free of Cancer. It is going to be amazing. We are almost there.
Tim is doing really well guys, although having to face this again and again gets tiring. Its taken alot to get used to. Life was going so well, we were planning another wedding celebration for the summer, Tim had been promoted and was loving work, I was accepted and supposed to start nursing, we were planning our honeymoon, life without Cancer was amazing. Even in the midst of all of that..and then now, life is still amazing. We won't let disease take our joy, nothing will. War is never fun, but its worth it.
We have a big support team behind us, and need to thank alot of people;
Dr. Anthony- Thank you for breaking the news to Tim and I in such a kind and compassionate way. You are such a light, we really appreciate you. Tim is so lucky to have a doctor like you.
Unit 57- Wow. Youguys are amazing. Thank you to the nurses who take exceptional care of Tim. You are always ready and willing to do anything to make this journey better for him. We are really lucky to be on this unit...we wouldn't want to be anywhere else. To the rest of the staff--you guys add such joy to the unit. We thank you for that!
Amber- Thank you for letting me stay at your place, so close to Tim. Thanks for packing me leftovers and baking for Tim. Like I said yesterday, you offer such a peaceful environment. Its hard leaving Tim at the hospital each night, but it makes it easier knowing I am so warmly welcomed at your place.
Springs- Thank you for praying and fighting along side of us. We are blown away with the support. THANK YOU for donating your platelets and eagerly encouraging and uplifting us. Keep those warrior prayers coming.
Parents- Thanks for your support. We can't do this without you. Thanks for accommodating us so well and making sure we are well taken care of. We love youguys.
No matter what happens in your life or the lives of those around you..God is good, He is the healer and sustainer of Tims life! We will win!
-Christa Harriman
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Feb. 21-2010
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to update you all that as of Friday afternoon - Feb 19, we learnt that I have been diagnosed with leukemia now. We will update our blog at a later time to keep you informed of my prognosis but just like before - we will win! We will continue to fight, we will continue to press on, and we will get through this!
"Anything is possible. You can be told you have a 90% chance or a 50% chance or a 1% chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight" - Lance Armstrong.
Cheers guys!
Just wanted to update you all that as of Friday afternoon - Feb 19, we learnt that I have been diagnosed with leukemia now. We will update our blog at a later time to keep you informed of my prognosis but just like before - we will win! We will continue to fight, we will continue to press on, and we will get through this!
"Anything is possible. You can be told you have a 90% chance or a 50% chance or a 1% chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight" - Lance Armstrong.
Cheers guys!
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